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Why is it called a casino?

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Original article link : https://jiligames.bet/faq/philippine-online-casino-guide/why-is-it-called-a-casino

The word "casino" originates from Italian, with its root word "casa" meaning "house." Originally, the term "casino" referred to a small country villa, summerhouse, or social club. During the 19th century, the term became associated with various public buildings where pleasurable activities, including gambling and sports, took place.

The use of "casino" to mean a building dedicated to gambling became more widespread over time. In these gambling establishments, activities like card games, roulette, and other forms of betting were conducted, which aligned with the shift in the meaning of the word.

So, essentially, "casino" evolved from a general term for a social gathering place to a specific term for a facility focusing on gambling activities. This evolution reflects the historical development of these establishments from being venues for leisure and entertainment to becoming more specialized in offering games of chance.

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